Custom_Fields - Request Custom Fields
Custom fields' data will be returned combined with other request's information during the initial GET request of each available endpoint (Contacts, Invoices etc) with their respective label
and value
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"id": "1",
"sent": "0",
"datesend": null,
"clientid": "1",
"deleted_customer_name": null,
"number": "10",
"prefix": "INV-",
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"datecreated": "2021-05-14 00:44:52",
"date": "2021-08-28",
"duedate": "2021-09-27",
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"total": "110.00",
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"status": "1",
"clientnote": "",
"adminnote": "",
"last_overdue_reminder": null,
"cancel_overdue_reminders": "1",
"allowed_payment_modes": "a:2:{i:0;s:1:\"1\";i:1;s:1:\"2\";}",
"token": null,
"discount_percent": "0.00",
"discount_total": "0.00",
"discount_type": "",
"recurring": "0",
"recurring_type": null,
"custom_recurring": "0",
"cycles": "0",
"total_cycles": "0",
"is_recurring_from": null,
"last_recurring_date": null,
"terms": "",
"sale_agent": "0",
"billing_street": "billing address",
"billing_city": "billing city name",
"billing_state": "billing state name",
"billing_zip": "billing zip code",
"billing_country": "0",
"shipping_street": "shipping address",
"shipping_city": "city name",
"shipping_state": "state name",
"shipping_zip": "zip code",
"shipping_country": "0",
"include_shipping": "1",
"show_shipping_on_invoice": "1",
"show_quantity_as": "1",
"project_id": "0",
"subscription_id": "0",
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"symbol": "$",
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"currency_name": "USD",
"total_left_to_pay": "110.00",
"items": [
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"rel_id": "1",
"rel_type": "invoice",
"description": "item description",
"long_description": "item long description",
"qty": "1.00",
"rate": "10.00",
"unit": "1",
"item_order": "1",
"customfields": [
"label": "Input 1",
"value": "test 12 item 1"
"label": "Number 1",
"value": "10"
"label": "Textarea 1",
"value": "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry"
"label": "Select 1",
"value": "Option 1"
"label": "Multiselect 1",
"value": "Option 1, Option 2"
"label": "Checkbox 1",
"value": "Option 1, Option 3"
"label": "Datepicker 1",
"value": "2021-05-06"
"label": "Datetime Picker 1",
"value": "2021-05-06 00:23:25"
"label": "Colorpicker 1",
"value": "#ffffff"
"label": "Hyperlink 1",
"value": "<a>Link</a>"
"id": "2",
"rel_id": "1",
"rel_type": "invoice",
"description": "updated item 2 description",
"long_description": "updated item 2 logn description",
"qty": "1.00",
"rate": "100.00",
"unit": "",
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"customfields": [
"label": "Input 1",
"value": "test 12 item 2"
"label": "Number 1",
"value": "10"
"label": "Textarea 1",
"value": "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry"
"label": "Select 1",
"value": "Option 1"
"label": "Multiselect 1",
"value": "Option 1, Option 2"
"label": "Checkbox 1",
"value": "Option 1, Option 3"
"label": "Datepicker 1",
"value": "2021-05-06"
"label": "Datetime Picker 1",
"value": "2021-05-06 00:23:25"
"label": "Colorpicker 1",
"value": "#ffffff"
"label": "Hyperlink 1",
"value": "<a>Link</a>"
"attachments": [],
"visible_attachments_to_customer_found": false,
"client": {
"userid": "1",
"company": "updated company",
"vat": "",
"phonenumber": "",
"country": "0",
"city": "",
"zip": "",
"state": "",
"address": "",
"website": "",
"datecreated": "2021-05-14 00:15:06",
"active": "1",
"leadid": null,
"billing_street": "",
"billing_city": "",
"billing_state": "",
"billing_zip": "",
"billing_country": "0",
"shipping_street": "",
"shipping_city": "",
"shipping_state": "",
"shipping_zip": "",
"shipping_country": "0",
"longitude": null,
"latitude": null,
"default_language": "",
"default_currency": "0",
"show_primary_contact": "0",
"stripe_id": null,
"registration_confirmed": "1",
"addedfrom": "0"
"payments": [],
"scheduled_email": null,
"customfields": [
"label": "Input 1",
"value": "test 12"
"label": "Number 1",
"value": "10"
"label": "Textarea 1",
"value": "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry"
"label": "Select 1",
"value": "Option 1"
"label": "Multiselect 1",
"value": "Option 1, Option 2"
"label": "Checkbox 1",
"value": "Option 1, Option 3"
"label": "Datepicker 1",
"value": "2021-05-06"
"label": "Datetime Picker 1",
"value": "2021-05-06 00:23:25"
"label": "Colorpicker 1",
"value": "#ffffff"
"label": "Hyperlink 1",
"value": "<a>Link</a>"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Same as Original request