API Guide Items- Subscriptions - Request all Subscriptions

Subscriptions - Request all Subscriptions

GET yourdomain.com/api/subscriptions/

Success 200

Field Type Description
Data Object


Error 4xx

Name Description

The id of the data was not found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     'name' => varchar 'New  subscription'
     'description' => text 'This is a detailed description of subscription'
     'description_in_item' => tinyint '1'
     'clientid' => int '123'
     'date' => date '2024-01-31'
     'terms' => text 'subscription payment is due'
     'currency ' => int '4'
     'tax_id ' => int '456'
     'stripe_tax_id_2' => varchar 'tax-789' 
     'stripe_plan_id' => text 'subscription_ABC'
     'tax_id_2': int '12',
     'stripe_subscription_id' => text 'sub_123456789'
     'next_billing_cycle' => bigint '1643808000'
     'ends_at' => bigint '1646486400'
     'status' => varchar 'active'
     'quantity' => int '5'
     'project_id' => int '789'
     'hash' => varchar 'a1b2c3' 
     'created' => datetime '2024-01-31 12:34:56'
     'created_from' => int '1' 
     'date_subscribed' => datetime '2024-01-31 10:00:00'
     'in_test_environment' => int '1' 
     'last_sent_at' => datetime '2024-01-31 14:45:00'
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    "status": false,
    "message": "No data were found"

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